On Thursday June 1st we launched our FIRST EVER crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. I have to say that I am super excited about this effort! There was a ton of work that went into getting it ready – video production, scouting, co-creating with partners – all to just get it off the ground. But now we are only half of the way there, we made it to launch but meeting our goal is the biggest challenge to come!

My vision for Carevena is to impact the lives of over 40 million living with chronic skin and cancer related conditions. Dermitrax is our start to achieving that vision.
Dermitrax is a mobile health (mHealth) application that empowers those with chronic skin and cancer diseases to better monitor, manage, and communicate their care. It aims to put chronic condition management in your pocket. Dermitrax is intended to fill in the gaps between medical visits helping both patient and provider better understand changes, assess solutions, and measure outcomes.
VISIT OUR CAMPAIGN PAGE: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dermitrax-innovation/x/16713644#/
With your help we can get there. I encourage you to visit our campaign page and check out our perks. My ask is that you make a contribution to the cause, even $25 can make a huge difference and we can’t do this without you. Please also help us share the effort around by sending it to your friends, family, and colleagues that might be interested. We believe that design and technology can play a pivotal role in changing how people engage with and manage their care.
We will be posting updates through the 45 day campaign so be sure to check back and see what is the latest and greatest.
To learn more visit: http://www.carevena.com/
Or Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carevena/
Lastly, I want to give a big shout out to those who have helped get us to where we are now:
- Melanie Sexton – Provider Tool Designer and Videographer
- Arianne Llerena – Actress and Rockstar
- Andi Johnson – Marketing Strategist
- Sabeen Khan – Media Publication
- Vivek Bhatia – Strategy Advisor
- Barry Hartzberg – Operations Advisor & Psoriatic Advocate

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